"There is a big difference between a satisfied customer and a loyal customer." ~ Shep Hyken
Sally Smith takes three creams and never forgets to ask how your mom is feeling. Jim Davis loves Prosecco and wouldn't consider entertaining prospective clients anywhere but your place -- and his tips reflect his gratitude for the part you play in his success. Mrs. Rudolph likes a sunny booth by the window and always has "a little something" for you. They are your loyal customers. They are the "bread and butter" that keeps you going. Oh, sure, special city events and even graduation season can quickly improve your bottom line -- but you can count on Sally's grande each and every morning.
Thanking them in a special way is not only a nice thing to do -- it's good business. Here are a few ways to recognize your regulars and inspire new friends:
Punch Cards ... No groaning! Tried and true, punch cards remain a marketing staple because they are a good way of rewarding customers. That's not to say you can't shake up the system a bit! Offer to keep either paper or electronic cards on file. That way, your customer is no longer digging for that little piece of paper amongst the too-many others. Arrange your paper file in alphabetical order for easy retrieval -- or on your computer by telephone number -- and make taking advantage of their reward that much easier.
Go Fish ... Fish bowls into which your customers drop business cards are not only a great way of fairly drawing for a free lunch, but an instant way of securing names and addresses for your upcoming marketing mailings. Make a game of it and have a customer draw the winner. Draw daily so that everyone knows they aren't dropping into a bottomless marketing pit!
Merry Christmas and Happy St. Patrick's Day ... Encourage customers to purchase gift cards by either offering a percentage off of the value of the card or by presenting them with a free card at the fraction of the value of the cards purchased. Perhaps a $10 gift card for every $50 purchased. Whether they tuck their “extra” card into their pocket or into an envelope for the paper carrier, you've just assured yourself of another smiling face at your door.
Jim-estroni ... Have some fun with your menu while engaging (and saluting!) your customers. Have a drop box where new items to the menu can be suggested. Use a suggestion and give a menu-credit shout-out (not to mention a free sample!) to the customer who made the drop!
Slam Dunk ... As you look for new ways to attract customers and reward those who are already a part of your business family, don't forget that being willing to sponsor the dunking booth for the high school basketball team or donating the corn-on-the-cob for the Special Olympics fundraiser helps the community see that you really are a part of the bigger picture.
These are just a few ways of continuing to deepen your relationships with your current customers and develop a new, profitable client base.
As always, our Superior Team would like to hear the ways that you make new friends and celebrate your current customers!