Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Why Do Gift Certificates Pay for Themselves?

Let's face it big chains have it made... they have marketing galore! TV ads, social media campaigns, and more, so what can you do to get more bang out of your marketing bucks?

Offer Gift Certificates!


Because a customer giving a gift to their favorite place (Your Business) is:

a. Cheap Advertising
When you offer Gift Certificates, customer are vouching that your place is great and someone else should try it.

b. Additional Sales Opportunities!
When you offer Gift Certificates, you are typically receiving an additional sale at the time of the initial purchase or visit and there is the chance the person receiving the gift won't redeem it... OR
they will and will buy more than the gift amount creating.
Fact: More than 1/2 of customers spend more than the value of a purchased gift certificate!

c.  Proven to be the #1 Selling Gift 
Gift Certificates are a year round top selling gift and customers choose them for every occasion, from holidays to birthday's and more.

Give your business a boost and offer customers the perfect gift, a reason to visit to your establishment!