Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Make Mother's Day Memorable for your customers

"M is for the million things she gave me ..."
Music and Lyrics by T. Morse and H. Johnson

Mother's Day!   Brunches buzz and dinners dazzle -- all in celebration of Mom!  Mother's Day is the day when even the most committed couch potatoes roust themselves to spend time with their moms.  With the family gathered (finally!) could there be any better time to help them make the most of it?  

Sing along .... !

M -ake the most of your ....  Tablescapes.  Whether you are a coffee shop, pizzeria or five-star supper club, scattering the table with a bit of confetti will make the experience  more magical and festive.   Or ... Menus!  Consider a special Mother's Day menu, wine list or dessert selections and print your one-time menu on pastel or foil-bordered paper.
O-pen your doors a bit early!  Even on Mother's Day moms have busy schedules and being able to accommodate families a bit earlier or later will allow you to tap into a broader (and appreciative!) client base.

T- rust the kids with dessert!  Offer sprinkles for a special Mother's Day ice cream parfait  and let the children at the table decorate it just for Mom.  (Who knows better how she likes it!)   Children of all ages love to please their moms.  Offer them a pink carnation for Mom, that's just from them.

H-elp with the check!  Whether she gets a free creamy latte or a decadent slice of double-fudge chocolate cake -- or perhaps you offer her choice of a free appetizer for the table --  adding on that little something special promotes your business and leaves everyone feeling good about their experience.   Have an online coupon?  Mention that to your guests and encourage them to redeem the coupon from their I-Phone!

E-dvertise!  (It's just too important to leave out!)  Oh, sure, use your regular avenues ... but don't forget that those looking to be out and about on Mother's Day may not be your traditional guests.  Using Social Media to attract diners on Mother's Day is a great (and instant!) (and free!) way to bring guests to your door.   Don't forget to upload online coupons -- easily accessible and no clipping mess for Mom to deal with later. 

Mother's Day is also a wonderful time to make charitable contributions.  Advertise that your restaurant will be making a donation to a local women's shelter or national women's health campaign in the name of any mom visiting you over the weekend.

R-elax, Mom!  That's the word of the day!  Keep Mom's experience as relaxed and stress-free as possible!  Offer coloring-menus or placemats for the kids -- as well as one-time kid-friendly menus -- and you'll find a very grateful mom-customer!

Whatever your restaurant, coffee shop or bistro plans for Mother's Day, your guests -- and their moms -- will be certain to return when they feel catered to and relaxed on her special day.

Our team at Superior Menus wishes all Moms a wonderful, love-filled day!

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